BellaVista Cloud Forest, Quito, Ecuador – We are a cloud forest reserve and lodge with overnight options under 2 hours from Quito. There is a huge diversity of moths in this cloud forest (at 2000-2200 metres elevation, 7000-7500 feet) and many species are yet to be identified .. for sure some are not known to science.
We are open to all visitors helping to photograph and hopefully later identify the many moths that will be found during this week. If any specialists are interested in participating, please get in touch, since we also have a simple research station on the property of close to 700 hectares (2000 acres).
Eduardo Abel Hermosillo, Cuautitlan, Mexico
Adarsha Adi, Shimoga, Carnataka, India – Explore the variety of Moths from India!
Indio Jones, El Ostional, Rivas, Nicaragua – Looking into having Moth Bean (Vigna aconitifolius) Soup. If unavailable will create another unique dish.
Ashish Nimkar, Mumbai, India