Oglebay Institute, Wheeling, WV – Join us for a family campfire and program about moths!
Duke Farms, Hillsborough, NJ – Elena Tartaglia of the NMW team will present a slide show about the important role of moths in the ecosystem followed by up-close observation of these fascinating insects attracted to a blacklight.
Pima County, AZ – Margarethe Brummermann will help to find interesting destinations like Box and Madera Canyon (very close) Pena Blanca, San Rafael Valley, Catalinas, Huachucas. I will bring Mercury and black light and generator, but encourage those who drive to bring their own too. At the SRER there is electricity that can be used.
Bluff Lake Nature Center, Denver, CO – The Secret Lives of Moths, presented by Denver Museum of Nature & Science.
Franklin Parker Preserve, Chatsworth, NJ – Gate off CR 532 (Tabernacle Chatsworth Road) just E of CR 563 will be open. We will be set up by the large concrete block shed at the foot of the runway.
Umstead State Park, Raleigh, NC – Meet at visitor center at 8:45 p.m. to observe moths with park staff and moth experts on July 23 and 24. July 25 at 9am will be a sweep netting safari with park staff and moth experts to capture, identify and release moths and other insects.
Ladd Marsh WMA, Union County OR
Camp Quest, Aiken SC – Camp Quest is a non-profit educational summer camp for kids ages 8-17yo. We will set up a mothing sheet in the evening every night during our week of camp in July. Campers will have the opportunity to identify and record the moths we find.
Chautauqua, NY – Moths, music, moonlight, Listen to music, enjoy refreshments, learn about moths!
Wintergarden/St. John’s Nature Preserve, Bowling Green, OH – Join us at 8 p.m. at park headquarters as Kenn Kaufman presents an illustrated talk about the amazing diversity of moths. At 9 p.m., weather permitting, we’ll go outside to see what moths have been attracted to our lights and bait. This is a free program sponsored by Bowling Green Parks, Toledo Naturalists’ Association, Black Swamp Bird Observatory, and Kaufman Field Guides. Leaders include Sherri Doust, Cinda Stutzman, Becky Cullen, and Kenn Kaufman.
Pipestem State Park, WV – Activities will include night time moth hunt, moth related crafts and a gypsy moth display by WV Dept. of Agriculture.
Huyck Preserve, Rensselaerville, NY – We will be meeting at the Eldridge Research Center at 8:30 and traveling out to a light set up nearby. We recommend bringing flashlights and any moth field guides that you may have.