Trained in phytogeography, sociology and biodiversity, Kouadio Samson Koffi earned a master’s degree in computer biodiversity in 2021from the Faculty of Agricultural Sciences (FSA) of Benin. His training applied his technical skills in working on data collection, analysis and processing in order to define areas favorable to the plant species Nesogordonia papaverifera, a tropical plant found in West Africa.
“Being aware of the alarming disappearance of biodiversity in my country Côte d’Ivoire and my deep love for nature and the biological diversity it abounds, has pushed me to embrace an ambitious career in ecology,” said Kouadio.
“Indeed, in this context of climate change, my ambition to help improve climate conditions prompted me in 2013 to orient myself in ‘Protection of Plants and the Environment’ at Nangui Abrogoua University (UNA) Abidjan (Côte d’Ivoire), from where I obtained a bachelor’s degree in the specialty Phytogeography and Sociology.
“The use of cartographic tools made it possible in 2016 to analyze the spatial distribution of certain species of the Malvaceae (plant) family in Côte d’Ivoire.
“It is a real pleasure for me to participate in the publication of data on moths in my region and country.”