Salif Kone of the West Africa nation of Mali obtained his Agro Sylvo Pastoral technician diploma in 2020.
“I have worked on climate change and sustainable agriculture,” he said. “My passion for the climate and agriculture led me to create an Association called “Groupe Action Recherche pour le Développement Durable au Mali” (Action Research Group for Sustainable Development in Mali), of which I am currently the head. This association aims to conserve biodiversity, protect the environment and fight against climate change.
“Since 2021, I continued my university studies by enrolling at IPR IFRA of Katibougou, to specialize in plant improvement and seed production. After my specialization in [these areas], I would like to continue my studies as a water and forest engineer.
[Lepidoptera] are part of the living elements of biodiversity that I am very passionate about,” Salif says. “These works of life deserve to be better studied and safeguarded. This is why my association and I are committed alongside National Moth Week to contribute to a better knowledge of moths.”
Welcome to National Moth Week, Salif!