We’ve just added a super helpful new feature to the pnwmoths site – a checklist generator! What’s a checklist generator, you say? You pick any combination of states/provinces and/or counties/regional districts and the website instantly generates a list of all the moths from our database in that region!
Should be great for using during National Moths Week!
Come try out the checklist generator here:
I have tried to access the pnwmoths.biol.wwu.edu website in my Safari browser on my iMac OX 10 “Panther” and Safari tells me I cannot download the site. Is there a problem with the site or has it been removed? I had bookmarked it and was able to access it until a short time ago. Any suggestions??? Thanks! Bob Grossmann
The site was down for a few days… it is fixed and you should be able to access it.
Thanks, it worked! I was worried that the site had been deleted!