NMW supporters for you to check out:
UK Moth Night: Organised by Atropos and Butterfly Conservation, Moth Night is the annual moth recording throughout Britain and Ireland by enthusiasts with local events aimed at raising awareness of moths. This year’s theme for UK Moth Night is Tiger Moths.
Pacific Northwest Moths: Info, photos and ID guides for over 1,200 species of moths in the PNW.
Ontario Moths: David Beadle’s website documenting Ontario moth fauna. You might recognize his name from the Peterson Field Guide to Moths of Northeastern North America.
We’ve been getting some questions about how one can find local public NMW events. It’s easy with our interactive map! Green markers indicate public events. You can zoom in to your home area and check out local events to attend. Click on individual markers for details about the event. No local event nearby? Organize and register one yourself – or help a local nature center organize a NMW event.
What’s that – you’ll be traveling abroad during NMW? We’ve got you covered with NMW events occurring all over the world. Again, green markers are public events.