The Moths of India Website and Mothing Event – Guest post by Sanjay Sondhi

The Moths of India website ( is a citizen science, internet-based and peer-reviewed resource devoted to Indian moths. It is a sister website of the Butterflies of IndiaCicadas of IndiaOdonata of IndiaReptiles of IndiaAmphibians of India and Birds of India websites, which collectively form the Biodiversity Atlas-India ( The moth website is designed to disseminate comprehensive information on various aspects of the natural history and biology of Indian moths, encourage their observation to study their natural history and ecology, gather population and distributional data in a centralized database, and spread awareness about their conservation. The moth website includes photographic records, distributional data, and natural history information under various tabs of the species pages.

Dehradun 21 Jul 2018 Lacchiwala NMW event Sanjay Sondhi
Dehradun 21 Jul 2018 Lacchiwala NMW event Sanjay Sondhi

It encourages “citizen science”, where ordinary citizens participate in gathering scientific data and building this free resource on Indian moths. The website, which started in 2015, currently has 906 species, 3401 identified images, contributed by 110 people, peer-reviews by 7 reviewers. More than 12,300 unique visitors have visited the website since its inception. Images can be contributed by visiting the website link

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Biodiversity Atlas – India is a species-based bioinformatics platform that is voluntarily supported by numerous organisations such as Titli TrustNational Centre for Biological SciencesIndian Foundation for Butterflies, and Diversity India. The platform is designed for aggregating, displaying and analysing biodiversity data from tropical developing countries and other biodiversity hotspots such as India. It is a distributed platform of stand-alone, taxon-specific, natural history websites that give ownership and recognition to contributing naturalists. Microsoft Word - National Moth Week Jul 2018.docx

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