Deb has been photographing moths since the first year of NMW.
Here’s how her event turned out this year:
“The location was Pittsburg, NH (only 25 miles from the Canadian border) near the Connecticut Lakes, the source of the Connecticut River. We were at a cabin surrounded by spruce-fir forest near wetlands and water. The weather was good and the moths were abundant. We got a total of 4 Nikons with some good bug lenses going and had a blast. Over two nights, we ended up with 71 species IDed plus 4 found while botanizing during the day as well as 8 unknowns. My regular sites – one in the foothills of the White Mountains and one in southern NH near the Massachusetts line – offered me two more habitats (mixed hardwood-conifer forest and oak-pine-hardwoods forest) which brought my NH species total to 184 species. My best year yet.”
Lovely photos, and great documentation. Thanks for all of your sharing!
Inspiring beautiful thank you for sharing
Wonderful photos and post. Must have been a great event.