Lepidopterist Eric Metzler will host two events in New Mexico. Eric was one of the first supporters of NMW in 2012, and the two 2013 events he is organizing are the first NMW events in USA National Parks.
The first event will be held on Friday, July 26 at Carlsbad Caverns National Park. The moth observation will be at the Visitor’s Center of the Park. The observation will begin after the bat flight at approximately 8:45 pm. Persons exiting the bat flight are invited to stop and see the moths that are part of the bats’ diet. It is not necessary to attend the bat flight in order to attend the moth event. All persons are invited. The moth observation will end at 10:30 pm.
The second event will be held on Saturday, July 27 White Sands National Monument. A public presentation will be open to the public at the amphitheater on the Loop Road. The public presentation will be about the Remarkable Endemism of Moths at White Sands National Monument, and what we can learn about plants from moths. The public presentation begins at 8:00 pm and ends at 9:00 pm. Visitors can drive back to the Visitor’s Center to observer moths attracted to black light and sheet setup behind the Administration Building. The moth sheet will be active from 9:30 pm thru 10:00 pm. The public is invited to one or both activities during the event. The Loop Road will close at 9:30 pm, and the gates to the Monument will be closed at 10:30 pm.
Event information was published at http://www.pageturnpro.com/Texas-New-Mexico-Newspaper-partnership/34765-Chamber-Chat/index.html#1
Eric is also planing to moth with his son and grandson during National Moth Week.