Andy Matz and Gabrielle Cooper organized a NMW event in Nebraska, at Spring Creek Prairie Audubon Center in Denton, (Just outside of Lincoln). They got volunteers’ help from the UNL Insect Science Club and members of the UNL Entomology department.
Andy told us about the event in a recent email: “While we didn’t have many moths show up at the light, we had 135 visitors (more than double the number we expected!). We had hands-on displays of pinned adults and families had the opportunity to hold some large and spectacular caterpillars. We took groups around the prairie hunting for caterpillars and other insects. The event was a huge success and we ended up raising several hundred dollars, all of which was donated to Spring Creek. I hope that this is the first of many Nebraska Moth Nights hosted by UNL.”
Photo credit: Maria Mathey