Have you camera ready for Moth Week events! You can submit moth observations to any of our partner organizations . Discover Life, BAMONA and Project Noah introduce a special category for NMW, see below. More information on these and other partners is available on the ‘submitting data’ page [here].
We would also like to see pictures of the people you moth with, the setup, other creatures that come to the light or anything else during you moth week adventurer. Send these photos to info[at]nationalmothweek.org. Selected photos will be published on the Event Photo Gallery.
Discover Life’s Moth Pages– Turn your moth night(s) into data to help us understand how climate change will affect species! The participant who most closely follows our simple protocols on the most nights gets a $100 cash prize. Discover Life invites you to simplyget get an album by requesting one from nancy@discoverlife.org and let us know you are with NMW
BAMONA – Butterflies and Moths of North Americais-Take photographs of the moths you find, and come share your sightings with BAMONA. You will need to register for an account, Make sure to select “National Moth Week” under the list of Partner Projects.
Project Noah Join Project Noah (by signing in through an existing online account – Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo, Google or AOL) to upload ‘spottings’ through the website or on a mobile device. Submit your moth spottings during NMW to the ‘Moths of the World‘ mission, and you will earn a special Limited-Edition Moth Week patch!