Bill Evans has organized a week of National Moth Week activities in New York’s Finger Lake region. He would like to note that the events are NOT private and are open to anyone who would like to attend.
Moth events in Finger Lakes Region of New York:
Monday-Sunday July 23rd-29th: People in the Finger Lakes region of New York are encouraged to get out and look for moths attracted to their house lights and camouflaged in their yards – folks can contribute species lists or take pictures of moths and send them in for identification and documentation for the Finger Lakes moth week species list. A running tally of species will be posted at
Friday July 27th: Tour of the Cornell University insect collection hosted by Carolyn Klass and Bob Dirig.
Friday July 27th: Watkins Glen State Park moth night. From 8:30-9:00 there will be a brief introduction to moths including tips for attracting them. From 9:00PM on there will be moth watching at four light stations and a bait line within walking distance of the lodge. This moth night will be hosted by Bill Evans & Meena Haribal.
Saturday July 28th: Robert Treman State Park moth night. From 8:30-9:00 there will be a brief introduction to moths including tips for attracting them. From 9:00PM on there will be moth watching at four light stations and a bait line within walking distance of the Park Office parking lot. This moth night will be hosted by Meena Haribal, Carolyn Klass, Stuart Krasnoff, and Bill Evans.
Sunday July 29th: Morning moth walk through the City of Ithaca, NY. This field trip will be led by Bill Evans. Bill will discuss the known and hypothesized impacts of artificial light on moths.
More detailed information on these National Moth Week events can be found at the following link: