Dave Small, a lifelong MA resident is president of the 250 member Athol Bird and Nature Club (www.millersriver.net) and currently acting Director of the Millers River Environmental Center. Dave shares his passion for Birds, Butterflies, Dragonflies and most recently moths through workshops, lectures and field trips around New England.
Attending the 2011 Lep course at the AMNH Southeast Research Station in Portal AZ Dave expanded his moth knowledge while meeting a great bunch of moth enthusiasts in an idyllic setting. Dave and his wife Shelley host several moth nights including the annual ABNC “Mothball’ at their home where gardening for pollinators is a priority.
Focusing on lands of conservation interest he has organized biological inventories finding and documenting state listed species for the MA Natural Heritage and Endangered Species Program, various conservation organizations, US Army Corps of Engineers, and Local Communities. He is a specialist in early successional vegetation and habitat management consulting for Public and private land managers and utility companies throughout New England.

Dave has served on the boards of several non-profits including Millers River Watershed Council, Mount Grace Land Conservation Trust, Mass Watershed Coalition, and Mass Audubon’s Important Bird Area Technical Advisory Committee. Working for the Commonwealth of Mass for 35 years, Dave currently serves as Assistant Regional Director at the DCR Quabbin Reservoir in Central Massachusetts.

Organizing various events across Massachusetts the Athol Bird and Nature Club with the help of other MA Moth’ers has enlisted the support of The Nature Conservancy, Massachusetts Audubon Society, New England Wildflower Society, and Mass Department of Conservation and recreation to host four moth week events in 3 Massachusetts counties. Moth images are at: http://www.pbase.com/dhsmall/moths_athol_ma