The annual High Park moth night was held on Thursday, July 23, 2020. Due to the COVID-19 situation, this year’s event was co-sponsored by only High Park Nature and the High Park Moth Study group and had a restricted number of participants, all of whom are regular members of the moth study group. The weather was clear and warm, very conducive to a productive session.
A total of 135 species of moths were identified, including 4 new for the High Park Moth Study, bringing the study’s all-time total to 1028 species! This citizen science project began in 2016 and broke through the 1000 species mark earlier this season. For more about the study, see Meet the Mothia, in the Toronto Star.
This year’s moth night also brought out a good variety of other insects, particularly leafhoppers and small beetles.
High Park, Toronto is a large urban park (161 ha, about 400 acres) with diverse habitats including a globally rare black oak savannah. For more information about the park see Our public Moth Night event has been held annually for about two decades in partnership with the Toronto Entomologists’ Association, the High Park Nature Centre, High Park Nature and more recently the High Park Moth Study group. We look forward to hosting another public event next year.
Anacampsis nonstrigella Fragile White Carpet Moth, Hydrelia albifera