“Moth Balls” are popular, cleverly named gatherings around the U.S. to watch moths, socialize and eat during National Moth Week. The first one may have been celebrated at the home of Dave and Shelley Small in Athol, Massachusetts, USA. where Moth Balls predate the founding of National Moth Week.
Dave, a longtime member of National Moth Week’s science advisory board and president of the Athol Bird and Nature Center, shared photos and a description of their most recent event.
The original “Moth Ball” established in 2009 was held Friday, July 23, at the home of Dave and Shelley Small.
The event, sponsored by the Athol Bird and Nature Club, coincided with the 10th anniversary of National Moth Week. Afternoon rains may have limited the volume of moths observed but not the enthusiasm of the 40+ attendees who rotated among the various light setups and bait stations around the property.
Thanks to all who attended great food, great friends, and interesting insects. (people photo by Sue Cloutier)