National Moth Week proudly welcomes SciStarter <>,the globally acclaimed, online citizen science hub, as its newest partnerorganization.
SciStarter helps connect millions of citizen scientists around the worldwith thousands of potential projects offered by researchers, organizations,and companies, along with the resources, products, and services that enablecitizens to pursue and enjoy these activities.
According to its website, SciStarter aims “to enable and encourage peopleto learn about, participate in, and contribute to science through bothinformal recreational activities and formal research efforts.”
“Citizen science is public engagement in real scientific research, and atSciStarter, we connect millions of people from all around the world toopportunities to turn their curiosity into impact,” said CarolineNickerson, SciStarter’s program manager.
On the SciStarter platform, more than 3,000 projects, searchable bylocation, topic, age level, etc., have been registered by individualproject leaders or imported through partnerships with federal governments,NGOs, and universities.
Participants in National Moth Week and other citizen science projects canbecome certified citizen scientists through SciStarter’s Foundations ofCitizen Science module <>.
“It is only natural that National Moth Week, a citizen science project thatencourages people of all ages and abilities to observe and document moths,would partner with one of the leading citizen science organizations in theworld,” said Liti Haramaty, co-founder of National Moth Week. “We share amission of inspiring people to get involved in science for fun andeducation.”
SciStarter grew out of founder Darlene Cavalier’s graduate school projectat the University of Pennsylvania. In 2014, SciStarter was adopted in partby Arizona State University’s School for the Future of Innovation inSociety. In 2018, with support from the National Science Foundation, ASU’sCenter for Engagement and Training in Science and Society and SciStarterlaunched SciStarter 2.
“We’re proud that the SciStarter community is engaging in National MothWeek activities to collect important scientific data to better understandthese ecologically important creatures,” Caroline said. “Moth-ers rock!”