Learn About Project Noah’s Moths of the World Mission in a Virtual Program Sponsored by the East Brunswick Library and FriendsEBEC

Join Michael Sarill of Project Noah at 7 p.m. Wednesday, July 14, for a virtual program about the
popular online global community of nature enthusiasts and its collaboration with National Moth Week,
which starts July 17.
Sponsored by the East Brunswick Public Library in partnership with the Friends of the East Brunswick
Environmental Commission (FriendsEBEC), the program will be available on Zoom and the library’s
Youtube channel. It is free and open to the public. Registration is suggested but not required. Go to
this link to register and find details on accessing the presentation.
Michael will lead aspiring citizen scientists through Project Noah’s Moths of the World mission, which
provides a platform for uploading and publishing photos, creating a personal nature journal and
learning about the natural world on projectnoah.org, as well as its social media platforms. He will also
walk the library through a new video created by Project Noah Nature School on how to go mothing.
He will be joined by Liti Haramaty of Friends EBEC and co-founder of National Moth Week, who will
discuss the upcoming 10th annual observance, how to register an event and how to navigate the newly
designed website and video library with tips and demonstrations of mothing.
National Moth Week shines a light on often unheralded moths, calling attention to their beauty,
extraordinary diversity and essential role in the natural world as pollinators and a food source for other
creatures. It will be observed July 17-25, marking its 10th year.
It was started by Haramaty and David Moskowitz of FriendsEBEC in 2012 and quickly became an
international citizen science project engaging people of all ages and abilities in observing and
documenting moths in their natural habitats in backyards, parks, neighborhoods and other outdoor
venues. Since its founding, public and private mothing events have been registered in all 50 states and
more than 90 countries around the world. (Register here)
Project Noah is an award-winning software platform designed to help people connect with the natural
world and learn about wildlife. It enables amateurs and professionals alike to create and share _________________________________________________________________________________________
National Moth Week (nationalmothweek.org) is a project of the Friends of the East Brunswick Environmental Commission,
a 501c3 organization • 9 Camelot Drive, East Brunswick, NJ 08816 • friendsebec.com
multimedia nature journals to collect important ecological data and help preserve global biodiversity.
Project Noah has been a partner organization of National Moth Week since 2012.
Michael Sarill leads product development and partnerships for Project Noah. He earned his bachelor’s
degree in philosophy from Brown University and completed the Beahrs Environmental Leadership
Program at UC Berkeley. He is passionate about wildlife and biodiversity conservation and is excited to
explore ways for people to live in harmony with nature. Prior to Project Noah, he built a wildlife game
called Baboon.
This program is part of the Option Green lecture series hosted by the East Brunswick Library in
partnership with FriendsEBEC.


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