For every day of National Moth Week, our partner, citizen science website Project Noah featured a fun fact about the underwing moths, Catocala, and their look-alikes. Today is the last day of National Moth Week—we hope you enjoyed the fun facts!
From Project Noah:

Fun Fact! The Large Yellow Underwing (Noctua pronuba), though named an underwing, is actually not closely related to the true underwing moths in the genus Catocala. This moth is common throughout Eurasia, and was introduced in the United States a little over 30 years ago, with the first record in Maine in 1985. The moth quickly spread across the entire North American continent, with the first records in Alaska coming in 2005.
You can participate in the global citizen science project National Moth Week! National Moth Week 2016 is July 23-31. Visit the website for more information and be sure to register a public or private event! An event can be as simple as observing the moths that come to a porch. During NMW, be sure to submit your photos to one of our many partners! If you submit them to Project Noah, be sure to add them to the National Moth Week mission, Moths of the World!