You don’t have to be an experienced moth’er to participate in Moth Week. Everyone can moth! All you need is a light and sheet. For more on how to moth click here.
Mothing at Shaw Nature Reserve
Guest post by Christina McClarren
Nine of us gathered in Gray Summit Missouri to see what would come to the mothing lights set up in two separate areas near the Bascom House at Shaw Nature Reserve. Everyone was excited by all manner of moth and insect that soon appeared. We had a blast. A frog joined us at one point to feast at the foot of the sheet. One set-up was just a blacklight, the other was a blacklight with a Mercury Vapor light, which was turned off periodically. We discerned no difference. Many insects were drawn to both. This was an early event celebrating National Moth Week, which takes place July 19-27, 2014 all over the country. Being an inexperienced bunch, we did not put the word out very far for this event, but we can’t wait to do more in the future – and spread our moth joy and madness.
It was truly a blast. We felt truly gifted by the moths and other insects that visited us that night. My husband and I do regular moth nights in our backyard in St. Louis, MO. We’re inviting folks to come by during the actual NMW.
Click here to see moth photos from Shaw Nature Reserve.
Everyone can participate in National Moth Week, a global citizen science project.
For information and registration visit
Media Contact: Sandra Lanman