Contribute to Science by Submitting Sightings to BAMONA

BAMONA logoButterflies and Moths of North America (BAMONA) is a unique, well-respected, and established database of verified butterfly and moth sighting records.  BAMONA currently houses nearly 600,000 individual sighting records that have been submitted by the public and verified by collaborating lepidopterists who review each submission.  Sighting data are regularly exported to scientists at academic institutions and government agencies for research purposes.  In addition, sightings are made available to the public on the BAMONA website on species pages with maps and life history information, and via regional checklists.  BAMONA users have access to a personalized dashboard that organizes all submitted sightings and their status. 

National Moth Week participants can submit their sighting data to BAMONA, receive free identification assistance, and contribute to this valuable dataset and online resource  To participate, register for a free BAMONA account, take photographs of moths during National Moth Week, and submit sightings via BAMONA’s online form.  Be sure to select “National Moth Week” as the Partner Project on the form!


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