With so many NMW events, your camera’s memory card is probably full with great images from moth night[s]. Here is what we suggest you do:
Moths images – Submit to one one of NMW’s partners. For many moth species distributional information is lacking or poorly documented. National Moth Week observations and collections can fill in important data gaps and be of significant biological value. The contributions of amateur naturalists and citizen scientists form the foundation of many aspects of our understanding of moth ecology. [click here for more information].
Photos of people, setup and other creatures – send to us. Selected photos will be published on the ‘NMW event photos’ page.
Send your photo to info[at]nationalmothweek.org.
Please Make Sure To:
1. Let us know who to credit (uncredited photos will not be accepted)
2. Tell us the Event or Organization
3. Add your location (if you wish)
4. Please, nothing bigger than 720 pixels on the long side
* All rights remain with photographer, by submitting you allow National Moth Week to publish your photos on this site and with the possibility of a featured blog post. We will contact selected persons or organizations in regards to this.
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