National Moth Week events today, July 28, 2016
These are mothing events being held today, July 28, 2016! Check the map for mothing events being held around the world today. Green events are public, Blue are private.
These are mothing events being held today, July 28, 2016! Check the map for mothing events being held around the world today. Green events are public, Blue are private.
For every day of National Moth Week, our partner, citizen science website Project Noah featured a fun fact about the underwing moths, Catocala, and their look-alikes. Today is the last day of National Moth Week—we hope you enjoyed the fun facts! From Project Noah: Fun Fact! Eudocima is a genus of moths found in many …
Project Noah is a citizen science project mobilizing new generations of nature explorers and helping people around the world appreciate their local wildlife. The ‘Noah’ in Project Noah stands for networked organisms and habitats. Project Noah aims to harness the power and popularity of new mobile technologies to promote wildlife awareness, collect important ecological data, and …
Project Noah Celebrates National Moth Week 2016 with virtual patch Read More »